About Makenzie


Makenzie is a serial entrepreneur, most known for launching the first dessert hummus to national grocery store shelves (2015), scoring a deal with Mark Cuban on ABC's Shark Tank (2017), and bringing the first true ceremonial-grade cacao to the western world (2016). Over the last decade, Makenzie has become respected for her innovative approach to conscious leadership and heart-centered business, leading her to write her first book How To Lead A Badass Business From The Heart.

Makenzie's training as a ceremonialist, healer and facilitator comes from a decade of plant medicine work with her shaman in Sedona; intensive shamanic and musical studies with the Yawanawa tribe (Brazil); apprenticing with Nana Marina of the Mayan lineage in Guatemala; and learning from various teachers on the Hawaiian islands. Additionally, Makenzie has traveled the world and had diverse cultural experiences, including learning about kava with the chief & family of Vivili village in Savusavu, Fiji; learning meditation from Amma the hugging saint from India; collaborating with the Arhuaco/Ike tribe in Colombia; receiving regenerative farming and cacao sustainability education from multigenerational farmers/land custodians deep in the jungles of Guatemala and highlands of Peru; and graduating from the Landmark Forum, Landmark Advanced Course, and Being A Leader program by the great Werner Erhardt.

Makenzie is the Founder and Chiefess Custodian of her non-profit organizations KAKAO Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate and Plant of Peace and travels around the world to teach about the heart-opening power of ceremonial-grade cacao and 'awa (Hawaiian kava).

Makenzie's mission is to share her light and inner peace with as many people as possible, in the prayer that all of humanity remembers who they really are. KAKAO and the @plantofpeace are both vehicles for connecting more deeply with oneself and embodying one's true soul essence.


View Makenzie's full photo gallery here. 


Some of Makenzie's most notable past ventures, programs and events:

  • Glow Nutrition & Pilates Studio: Makenzie's first business in Sydney, Australia which she sold at the age of 24.
  • Delighted By Hummus: The Original Dessert Hummus
  • Delighted By THE MOVEMENT: A 6-month cohort of 100 entrepreneurs from all over the world to study Makenzie's conscious business principles from her book.
  • Restore The Heart: A weekend intensive in Maui, HI for 33 entrepreneurs from all over the world.
  • REQUESTbar: A high vibe protein bar company with an innovative manufacturing facility in Bozeman, MT. Sold in 2022.
  • KAPU: An online platform and app for like-hearted community to heal, connect and evolve spiritually together.


Want to collaborate with Makenzie or have her at your event?

Whether you're looking to inspire your audience or support them in dropping them into their hearts, Makenzie can offer her voice/wisdom, cacao service, intentional openings, drop-ins/guided meditations and contribute a ceremonial approach to any transformational experience. Email hello@flykakao.com to inquire.