About Makenzie


Makenzie is a serial entrepreneur, most known for being the first to bring dessert hummus to national grocery store shelves and scoring a deal with Mark Cuban on ABC's Shark Tank. Over the course of seven years Makenzie became respected for her innovative approach to conscious leadership and heart-centered business, leading her to write her first book How To Lead A Badass Business From The Heart.

Makenzie is the Founder of KAKAO Drinking Chocolate and travels around the world to share the heart-opening power of whole bean heirloom cacao with entrepreneurs, visionaries, healers, leaders, creatives, mothers and fathers alike. Makenzie's life's work, The Gaia Lineage, was born from a passion of re-connecting as many people as possible to the power of the Earth's wisdom in our modern day world.

Makenzie currently resides Maui, HI and has hosted various events, immersions and circles worldwide. Makenzie loves to speak (live or online) about Conscious Business/Leadership, Sacred Purpose, Love & Union, Body Image, Sacred Sexuality, Human Vitality and more.  

Some of Makenzie's other most notable past ventures, programs and events include:

  • Delighted By THE MOVEMENT: A 6-month cohort of 100 entrepreneurs from all over the world to study Makenzie's conscious business principles from her book.
  • Glow Nutrition & Pilates Studio: Makenzie's first business in Sydney, Australia that she sold at the age of 24.
  • Restore The Heart: A weekend intensive in Maui, HI for 33 entreprenuers from all over the world.
  • REQUESTbar: A high vibe protein bar company with an innovative manufacturing facility in Bozeman, MT. Sold in 2022. 


You can hear more about Makenzie's full story in her newest audiobook, Gaia My Homegirl.


Want to collaborate with Makenzie or have her at your event?

Whether you're looking to inspire your audience or support them in dropping them into their hearts, Makenzie can offer her voice/wisdom, cacao service, intentional openings, drop-ins/guided meditations and contribute a ceremonial approach to any transformational experience. Email hello@flykakao.com to inquire.